

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit my personal website. Here I'll be talking about who I am and what I can do. I'll go into detail about what I did in my college courses and internships, what I've learned outside of the classroom and workplace, and a few projects that occupy my free time. You are welcome to read some, none, or all of it. But I hope I make your day at least a little bit better.

About me

My name is Derek Kwon and I am a fresh CS graduate from the College of William & Mary. I was fortunate enough to be born, raised, and educated in Virginia surrounded by excellent mentors like my parents, teachers, and supervisors. I am now 22 years old and eagerly looking for a full-time entry position in full stack development, data science, or cybersecurity.

My daily schedule consists of working out early in the morning (most of the time), doing some LeetCode, applying for jobs, and working on my personal projects. In my free time, I usually just eat junk food, play video games, and sleep. Recently I have often been substituting playing video games for developing games, but the sleep and junk food are non-negotiable. I work out not so I can look muscular and get attention but rather so I can enjoy my free time without getting heart disease.

As for my skills, I more or less have the same skillset as most computer science graduates. I can turn on a computer, write code, and use version control. But I do have a few skills that I consider to be unique and useful. I can converse in both English and Korean, and I'm decent at Japanese as well (the easiest language to learn for Korean speakers). I have some solid experience in making art, both for my own projects and group projects. I like to think I can recognize when something needs improvement and take initiative to act, like how I recognized I could improve my current job search with a personal website. I also like to practice security awareness when developing, a habit I picked up from my penetration testing labs in my cybersecurity courses.

Contact Info, Address, Websites

email: derek9132@gmail.com

phone number: 7032156007

GitHub: https://github.com/Derek9132

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derek-kwon-320b93201/